Work Samples
Compelling, informative content is a cornerstone of modern marketing. I've created everything from white papers, e-books and infographics to blog posts, videos and thought-leadership webinars to help brands inspire and educate their prospects and customers.
5 Best Practices for Managing Inventory Operations in Distributed and Remote-Working Teams
This guide offers proven best practices to help factory procurement teams stay on top of inventory and shortage management workflows while working remotely.
ERP Data Cleansing: 3 Best Practices for Long-Term Success
This article outlines three key principles that help supply chain professionals maintain a higher level of ERP data integrity over time and make the data cleanup task feel less daunting.
How to Create a Shortage Attack Team
This step-by-step guide shows supply chain leaders how to drive rapid improvements to on-time delivery by implementing a proven, sustainable approach to shortage reduction.
The CPA's Ultimate Guide to Credit Card Processing
This comprehensive guide educates CPAs and their staff about payment processing, including how it works, types of solutions on the market and what they should look for in a processor.
Attorney Guidebook: Strengthen Your Client Communication Skills
This awareness-level e-book, created for the LawPay brand at AffiniPay, offers practical tips for lawyers to boost their communication acumen to improve client service and inspire loyalty.
Getting Paid: What CPAs Need to Know for 2018
This consideration-stage asset explores the latest data and payment trends in the professional services industries, and shows CPAs the value of letting clients pay online.
Infographic: How People Prefer to Pay Today
This infographic reveals the data behind the payment trends driving client expectations in the modern service economy.